Time in Yakutsk, Russia

The exact time in Yakutsk is based on the time zones for Yakutsk. We will always try to give you the exact time for Yakutsk. There might be slight differences, since the time zones for Yakutsk might change due to daylight savings time (DST).

Friday 03 May 2024 +09+09:00

Time changes in Yakutsk are usually done to adapt citizen and tourist activity to the solar cycle. This allows for greater usage of daylight, reducing dependency on electricity. That is why the time is sent ahead one hour in the spring for Yakutsk, and falls back one hour in the fall for Yakutsk. Adding an extra hour of daylight helps Yakutsk to improve its tourism and depend less on Yakutsk's electricity supplies.

Weather in Yakutsk, Russia

5 °C
Tiempo en Yakutsk, Russia
  • Humidity: 70 %
  • Pressure: 1018 hPa
  • Wind speed and direction: 6.832 KPH NE

Time changes DST in Yakutsk

Each country perform its time change according to the Daylight Saving Time rules on a different day of the year, which can or not match with the beginning of the summer. That is why we recommend you to check out the time change dates to stay up to date.

These are the time change dates in Yakutsk during 2024:
  • Daylight Saving Time in Yakutsk starts on:: -
  • Daylight Saving Time in Yakutsk ends on: -

Sunrise and sunset times in Yakutsk

Sunrise in Yakutsk is at 03:58:30 and sunset time in Yakutsk is at 20:37:45.

  • Length of the day in Yakutsk is 17:39 hours
  • Civil twilight begins at 02:56:19 and ends at 21:39:56 hours
  • Nautical twilight in Yakutsk begins at 09:00:01 and ends at 09:00:01 hours.
  • Astronomical twilight in Yakutsk begins at 09:00:01 and ends at 09:00:01 hours.

Yakutsk coordinates and location in the world

Which are latitude and longitude coordinates of Yakutsk in the map of the world?

  • Yakutsk's latitude: 0° 0' N
  • Yakutsk's longitude: 129° 40' E
Ubicacion en el mundo de Yakutsk

Hotels to stay and book in Yakutsk, Russia

If you are travelling for vacations to Yakutsk and looking for to book a hotel at a good price, click on the hotels links below to find more information and details. You will find hotel rooms prices, payment methods, location and opening hours, that will help you booking the best hotel in Yakutsk for your budget during your vacations.

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