Tigres UANL vs Pumas UNAM - Apertura 2015 Liga MX Final - Thursday 10 December 2015 Schedule

Match time Tigres UANL vs Pumas UNAM is at 21:00 on Thursday 10 December 2015 for Apertura 2015 Liga MX Final. Kick off time of match Tigres UANL vs Pumas UNAM is on San Nicolas de los Garza time.

Tigres UANL against Pumas UNAM game of Apertura 2015 Liga MX will be played at Estadio Universitario UANL, located in the city of San Nicolas de los Garza. Match Tigres UANL vs Pumas UNAM can be watched live on Televisa Deportes.

Tigres UANL
Pumas UNAM
Date and Time:
Venue: ​Estadio Universitario UANL
Address: Belisario Domínguez 1265
City: San Nicolas de los Garza, Mexico (MX)

Time in San Nicolas de los Garza

Monday 13 May 2024 CDT-05:00
Tigres UANL vs Pumas UNAM - Apertura 2015 Liga MX Final - Thursday 10 December 2015 start time in:

Tigres UANL vs Pumas UNAM - Apertura 2015 Liga MX Final - Thursday 10 December 2015 is on 10/12/2015 21:00 (UTC/GMT -06:00) in San Nicolas de los Garza, Mexico. Check out when is Tigres UANL vs Pumas UNAM - Apertura 2015 Liga MX Final - Thursday 10 December 2015 in main cities around the world. How many times have you wanted to watch an event on TV or Internet and you had not known what time it begun. We show what time does Tigres UANL vs Pumas UNAM - Apertura 2015 Liga MX Final - Thursday 10 December 2015 start in other cities and main cities around the world

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Hotels to stay and book in San Nicolas de los Garza, Mexico

Recommended hotels to book in San Nicolas de los Garza, Mexico for the best price/quality, if you travel to assist at Tigres UANL vs Pumas UNAM - Apertura 2015 Liga MX Final - Thursday 10 December 2015. Booking quality and cheap hotels in the city of San Nicolas de los Garza, Mexico is not an easy task. Click on the hotels links to find out more about hotel rooms prices, payment methods, location and opening hours, in order to book the best hotel and the lowest price near Estadio Universitario UANL during your stay in San Nicolas de los Garza, Mexico.

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